Welcome to Climate Change in an Aging Society

We offer both a newsletter and a book, now under contract with Routledge.

The message of the newsletter and the book is clear:

You. Climate change affects people of all ages but affects them differently. Elders are more vulnerable in their health and living arrangements, but younger people will experience the devastating consequences of climate change over the rest of their lives.

Here. The climate crisis is seen in all parts of America, but in different ways: where sea levels rise, where forests burn, where crops become vulnerable and wherever global warming makes temperatures different from what were accustomed.

Now. The climate crisis has already arrived. It’s in our future, true, in ways we begin to glimpse in measurements and forecasts. But it’s also here right now: in floods, fires, extreme weather events, and multiple impacts on living systems here and around the world.

Hope. There are actions we can take to mitigate the process of climate change and there are actions needed in order to adapt to what will come. Old and young will have to act together both for their own sake and for those who will come later. It is not too late.

Toward the end of his long life, the great philosopher Immanuel Kant said that all of philosophy could be summed up in three questions: What do we know? What should we do? and What may we hope? We try to offer answers to these questions.

For a sample copy or a subscription to the newsletter, simply fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page.

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